Possible values for Team Features Enum

AdvancedEnable or disable advanced analytics options (calculations, drill down, annotations, data blending).Boolean
BrandingEnable or disable the ability to customize the main aspects of the application appearance.Boolean
ClientsEnable or disable the ability to manage clients in a team.Boolean
CloudIntegrationPoolSizeThis is the max number of parallel requests, which can becaused by the updating/creating of one data source. If the SaaS connector for the update needs more requests, then requests will organize in groups of N requests and will queue until all requests from the previous group are performed.Integer
CustomObjectSortEnable or disable the ability to custom sort of objects.Boolean
DashboardTemplatingEnable or disable the ability to create templates of dashboards.Boolean
DeliveryEnable or disable the ability to create schedule emails.Boolean
DBConnectionsEnable or disable the ability to create DB integrations.Boolean
DefaultMaxUsersInGroupThe maximum number of users in group by default.Integer
DynamicFilteringEnable or disable the ability to dynamic filtering of the data.Boolean
EditXMLEnable or disable the ability to edit datasets in the XML format.Boolean
EnableAggregateTimelinesEnable or disable the ability to aggregate timelines.Boolean
ExportEnable or disable the ability to export infographics.Boolean
FoldersEnable or disable the ability to create folders in library.Boolean
GroupAdminEnable or disable the ability to create a group admin in a team.Boolean
LoginAsEnable or disable the ability to login under other user accounts into the app (except admin accounts).Boolean
ManualInputEnable or disable the ability to create charts based on the manually inputted data.Boolean
MaxExportFileSizeThe maximum size of a file (MB) to which data from a raw table chart couldbe exported.Integer
MaxWarmupThe maximum number of reports, dashboards and presentations, for which a warmup feature can be enabled. By default it’s set to 5.Integer
NavigatorEmbeddingEnable or disable the ability to get an embed code for dashboards, reports, presentations and navigator of Slemma.Boolean
PresentationsEnable or disable the ability to see the Presentation section in the navigation pane and create presentations.Boolean
SaaSEnable or disable the ability to create SaaS integrations.Boolean
UpdateAndWarmupEnable or disable the ability to update datasets by shedule in background.Boolean
UpdateAndWarmupHourlyEnable or disable the ability to set hourly dataset refresh.Boolean
UpdateAndWarmupMinuteEnable or disable the ability to set minutely DB dataset refresh.Boolean
WhiteLabelEnable or disable the ability to see additional settings under the 'Team settings' tab, and to customize the URL, name and other parts of the application.Boolean