An Integration contains the following fields:

KeyIntegerThe Slemma defined id representing the Integration
NameStringName of the Integration
OwnerIntegerThe Slemma defined id representing the user, who created the Integration
ParentIntegerThe Slemma defined id representing the folder the Integration belongs to.
TypeStringThe type of the Object. Value is 'Integration'.
ExtTypeStringAn additional attribute to describe Integrations. The possible values are listed here.
SourceTypeStringThe type of the Datasets that will be created based on the Integration. Possible values are listed here.
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SharedWithArray of ObjectsAn array containing Users or Groups who has access to that integration, with the options described below.
GroupsAccesObjectsArray of Group identifiers, each with specified permissions on the object.
UsersAccessObjectsArray of User identifiers, each with specified permissions on the object.
AccessOfTeamBooleanDefault permissions on the object applied to all team users that the object belongs to.
ConnectionStringObjectConnection string (for DB Integrations only).
ServerNameStringServer name.
DatabaseStringDatabase name.
DriverStringDatabase Driver.
UseSSLBooleanWhether or not to use SSL.
UseSSHBooleanWhether or not to use SSH.
DriverPropertiesObjectArray of the driver properties.