Updates the specified integration by passing new values in the request body. Only Name, Parent, ConnectionString fields can be updated.

The following are the examples of HTTP status codes including errors that API can generate

Response codesResponse contentDescription
200 OKAn integration objectAn integration has been updated successfully.
400 Bad RequestIncorrect ExtTypeThe ExtType that was specified is invalid.
400 Bad RequestThe 'Name' cannot be emptyThe field "Name" cannot be empty.
400 Bad RequestIncorrect SourceTypeThe Source Type that was specified is invalid.
400 Bad RequestIncorrect DriverThe Driver that was specified is invalid.
400 Bad RequestThe 'Driver' is incorrectIf you specify incorrect driver.
400 Bad RequestThe ServerName cannot be emptyThe field "ServerName" cannot be empty.
400 Bad RequestThe Database cannot be emptyThe field "Database" cannot be empty.
400 Bad RequestThe Driver cannot be emptyThe field "Driver" cannot be empty.
400 Bad RequestThe value of the property 'value' does not match the list of allowed values - ['value1','value2','value3']The value of the property does not match the list of allowed values.
403 ForbiddenAccess deniedAccess to the integration is denied.
404 Not FoundObject not foundAn Integration with the specified key wasn't found.
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